Saturday, October 6, 2012

Where Can Players Farm Resplendent Chests Fast In Diablo 3

Among many types of chests, the resplendent chests should be once of the best item selling well in D3, but which is very hard to get, so where can players farm resplendent chests fast in Diablo 3?

Resplendent and Exquisite chests have dropped by far the most gold/gems/rare loot in my playthroughs. On nightmare, it is not uncommon for me to find a rare and two magic items along with a great gold haul plus a gem or two. Of all the chests, these are the only ones that I have seen a consistent increase in the quality and quantity of drops to conclusively distinguish them from any other chest. Couple that with the special sound effects they make when opened, and one can discern they have elevated loot.

Are Resplendent Chests worth farming?
The answer appears to be yes, but with caveats. There are a number of references to farming Resplendent Chests (I don't personally, so I can't speak from experience) and they generally concede it is worth it in Inferno, if you can't kill Champion or Rare packs. The implication is that the Rare and Champion packs are a more efficient way of getting good items, but some Resplendent Chests are easily accessible so can provide a good way of bootstrapping your own items/gold to compete in Inferno.

Where can players farm resplendent chests fast in Diablo 3 Act 2?
I found a pretty large number of resplendent chests while farming for liquid rainbow; the Mysterious Cave Level 2 always had one for me on Normal. I would say I found the Cave every 5 minutes on average. I got my average time to check for the Cave down to 28 seconds when farming for the rainbow.

Start on quest "Betrayer of the Horadrim" and run through the sewers until you first exit into the Oasis. This will trigger a checkpoint, and your game will begin here every time. Run down the corridor and stick to the southern wall, taking the first branch. This will be a short branch, with water under foot, leading to two huts. If the Alchemist is here, kill the ghosts and go into the Mysterious cave. If not, loot the bones/chest/iron wolf in the corner, hit your town portal, and exit game.

From now on, every game you create will start you a very, very short run away from this location. It will always be in the same place, so checking is very quick, and you will occasionally see a cellar, or a champion pack for slightly more loot options. Bonus points if the Treasure Vault always spawns near the Oasis entrance, but I don't know where you've been checking for it.

Many players farm resplendent chests is for selling for Diablo 3 gold, but which is time-taking, if players want to save time on the boring farming, they can just buy it from, where the gold is super fast.

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