Friday, September 7, 2012

How to Use Jewelcrafting Make Diablo 3 Gold Fast in 1.0.4

In Patch 1.0.4, how to Use Jewelcrafting Make Diablo 3 Gold fast in 1.0.4? The cost to combine gems was adjusted to make it more cost effective to use your Jewelcrafter and possibly even more practical to do it. But I’ve got news to all the new players combining low level gems, you’re losing gold! A chipped ruby is selling for about 160 gold right now, while a flawed ruby is selling for 60 gold. Are players buying chipped rubies?!

The gem everyone should be buying, if they had their head on straight, is the Flawless Square since it’s only about 100-500 gold. But we know we won’t make gold if we combine gems of lower quality than the Flawless Square, what about the others?

To Use Jewelcrafting Make Diablo 3 Gold fast in 1.0.4, players have to create a single Perfect Square gem you need 3 Flawless Squares, 3 Tomes of Secrets and 30,000 gold. That’s 30,000 + 300 gold + 1650 gold (for the Tomes) or about 32,000 gold total. If you wanted to make a business out of this you would need to sell the Perfect gem for around 37,800 gold on the auction house(you can calculate exact amounts with my gem calculator). The going rate for Perfect Squares is 36,500.

The savings is not worth it for a Perfect Square, but let’s take a look at the highest level you can craft without buying a 500,000gold design. It will cost you 602,000 gold to buy a Star wholesale on the auction house. How much would it cost to craft one? About 535,000 gold (if you bought 27 Flawless Squares). If you don’t believe me, use my gem calculator to see for yourself. also notice players if they want to make Diablo 3 gold faster with Jeweler you have to sell in trade to avoid the auction house commission. You can price high level gems off Flawless Squares, since those are, without question, the best entry point. When Flawless Squares sell between 100-500 gold, the cost to make a Star, Flawless Star, Perfect Star and Radiant Star is about: 545k, 1,700k, 5,400k and 16,600k. These typically sell on the auction house for about 14-18% more, which comes out to about 640k, 2000k, 6300k and 20,000k. You can start by undercutting those prices in trade.

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Diablo 3 Gold US

Diablo 3 Gold EU