Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama Persuade Poland's Prime Minister To Play WoW

During his tour of Europe, President Obama visited Poland and received a somewhat unusual gift from that country's Prime Minister Donald Tusk: A copy of World of Warcraft CD Projekt's latest title, the excellent World Of Warcraft Paladin.This present seems of the appetite for Obama for he seems to be an excellent game player. And Obama persuaded Polands’s Prime Minister to play wow after he received the present.

In his message on the visitors,Obama not only wrote the blessings message "May the friendship between two countries be better and better, besides,he also added "Hope Donald Tusk can level up Paladin to Lvl 85,the guild needs to be healed. Cameron needs blood while killing Magmaw.

CD Projekt, fulfilling its role as proud papa, issued a press release dedicated to the gift. "This is an extraordinary acknowledgement of our hard work here at CD Projekt RED," game director Adam Badowski said. "World Of Warcraft is a game we created for players around the world by drawing from various sources including our national heritage and wow gold. We are truly pleased to promote our culture in this manner. And we aren't resting on our laurels. We are continuing to improve the game post-release, and will reveal more during our conference on June 2nd." You can find the full press release after the break.

It's abviously that WoW is being well known worldwide. The title Blizzard stands a very important position among wow players. Once World of Warcraft CD can be a present for foreign trip. Maybe it on the other hand explains that Video Game is becoming more and more important in the culture.

In addition,in the early 2008, Obama's adviser Kevin was already a WOW player, it was said that he is the tauren shaman. As for whether the adviser brought Obama into WOW is unknown.


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Tongzhouseo May0511