Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Mana Pool Has Been Fixed in Mists of Pandaria

The development team for Mists of Pandaira has been really good at . At 90, all Priests will have a total mana pool of 300,000 regardless of intellect.  As a caster your mana pool will be pre-set by your level and your talent spec. The Mana Pool Has Been Fixed in Mists of Pandaria For example at level 85 all players that have a mana pool will have 20,000 mana.  This is them modified by your talent spec. Safe Wow Gold, Looking at the Paladin class as an example if you are Protection or Retribution your mana stays the same at 20,000, however if you are Holy part of the spec is an extra 400% mana granting you a total of 100,000 mana.

Some classes that are considered mana based casters in all specs, such as Priests, Mages, and Warlocks, start with a base mana pool of the caster value. This is a small difference that becomes very important later on.

Compare that to a Holy Paladin that has a base mana pool of 20,000, but really has 100,000 mana due to the bonus 400% mana granted from choosing the Holy spec. If the Paladin casts a heal that costs 10% of base mana the spell will only cost 2,000 mana.

Therefore, you should expect to see vast differences in the costs of spells between classes. Buy Wow Gold Instant Delivery, Based on the examples above a Holy Paladin healing spell that did the exact same thing as the Priests would be listed as costing 50% of their base mana pool.  This would mean 50% of 20,000 at level 85, or a total of 10,000 mana.

Intellect and Spirit – Pre MoP - The argument for this change
Right now intellect is king for all casters.  It grants bigger heals or damage, a larger mana pool, and affects the mana regeneration rate of spirit.  While you do want / need some spirit gear, intellect is the number one stat until you a large enough mana pool that you are good for fights. Once you have enough mana, then you worry about regeneration with spirit.  However since intellect affects mana regeneration through spirit as well, it gets really complicated and many people just stack Intellect.

There's been some discussion and confusion about mana pools, spell costs, and intellect.Cheapest World Of Warcraft Gold, The Mana Pool Has Been Fixed in Mists of Pandaria I know that this is a vast over simplification, as truly savy players maximize the effects of spirit vs. intellect all the time, and shift stats back and forth to gain the most benefit.  However, if viewed as a fresh level 85 character in leveling greens and you are going to buy your first epic gear, intellect wins by at least a factor of 2x until you have lots of it.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Where Can Players Farm Resplendent Chests Fast In Diablo 3

Among many types of chests, the resplendent chests should be once of the best item selling well in D3, but which is very hard to get, so where can players farm resplendent chests fast in Diablo 3?

Resplendent and Exquisite chests have dropped by far the most gold/gems/rare loot in my playthroughs. On nightmare, it is not uncommon for me to find a rare and two magic items along with a great gold haul plus a gem or two. Of all the chests, these are the only ones that I have seen a consistent increase in the quality and quantity of drops to conclusively distinguish them from any other chest. Couple that with the special sound effects they make when opened, and one can discern they have elevated loot.

Are Resplendent Chests worth farming?
The answer appears to be yes, but with caveats. There are a number of references to farming Resplendent Chests (I don't personally, so I can't speak from experience) and they generally concede it is worth it in Inferno, if you can't kill Champion or Rare packs. The implication is that the Rare and Champion packs are a more efficient way of getting good items, but some Resplendent Chests are easily accessible so can provide a good way of bootstrapping your own items/gold to compete in Inferno.

Where can players farm resplendent chests fast in Diablo 3 Act 2?
I found a pretty large number of resplendent chests while farming for liquid rainbow; the Mysterious Cave Level 2 always had one for me on Normal. I would say I found the Cave every 5 minutes on average. I got my average time to check for the Cave down to 28 seconds when farming for the rainbow.

Start on quest "Betrayer of the Horadrim" and run through the sewers until you first exit into the Oasis. This will trigger a checkpoint, and your game will begin here every time. Run down the corridor and stick to the southern wall, taking the first branch. This will be a short branch, with water under foot, leading to two huts. If the Alchemist is here, kill the ghosts and go into the Mysterious cave. If not, loot the bones/chest/iron wolf in the corner, hit your town portal, and exit game.

From now on, every game you create will start you a very, very short run away from this location. It will always be in the same place, so checking is very quick, and you will occasionally see a cellar, or a champion pack for slightly more loot options. Bonus points if the Treasure Vault always spawns near the Oasis entrance, but I don't know where you've been checking for it.

Many players farm resplendent chests is for selling for Diablo 3 gold, but which is time-taking, if players want to save time on the boring farming, they can just buy it from, where the gold is super fast.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

FAQs About Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.4

Out of the five Diablo III classes, witch doctors are receiving the most attention in patch 1.0.4. For the upcoming carnival on April 1st, I would ask that those interested in participating in the Monthly Blogging Carnival submit a link to their post about a simple question regarding Diablo 3. This question can be anything about the game, like how to change skills, how to use the auction house, how to salvage gear, how to start a public game, etc. Buying cheap diablo 3 gold,diablo 3 gold at the coming of diablo 3 gold release date. Basically, write a short tutorial or answer a simple question about the game. FAQs About Diablo 3 Patch 1.0.4

With how much misinformation there is currently about Diablo 3, this kind of Carnival will help answer quite a few players' questions. Just looking at the Google traffic for this site, I can see numerous misled readers looking for answers. "Can I PK in Diablo 3?" Questions like that come up frequently, and having a list of tutorials/explanations about the game would do some good for this community.

Relevant screenshots or images to Diablo 3 are not included in this. Remember, all you have to do is send me a link to any site (doesn't have to be a website you own) that has a post or write up that answers questions about Diablo 3. I'm looking to create a large collection of helpful articles as a kind of FAQ for the game.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What Is The Best Way To Defeat Uriel?

Uriel is a powerful boss in Diablo 3, so what is the best way to defeat Uriel? It is harder to heal all stacks for a little than one stack for a huge amount, so I prefer to take out ranged and small stacks first, killing the one big stack last. A blindness or other immobilizing spell helps a lot as well.

What is the best strategy to defeat Uriel
His stacks moved forward, so the smaller stacks came within range of my melee. During round two, it became clear that my melee units would kill his allies pretty fast. So I used my ranged units to soften up Uriel. After a couple of rounds, when almost all his allies were dead, Uriel suddenly used Mass Resurrect. Bummer.

In turn 1, use a direct damage spell to kill one stack ASAP. This avoids Holy Rage to trigger even once, limiting Uriel to one action per turn (which he usually uses to move). Another option is a Haste spell (+19 initiative with my Anastasya) to have your Archliches (initiative 30, +5 from Ambush) to act before Uriel (initiative 50).

Due to the huge stack sizes, your hero will be limited to a support role. Turn 1: Kill a stack ASAP. Turn 2: Storm Arrows. Turn 3: Whatever you prefer. Use some melee unit, I guess the slow Lamasu, to block Uriel so he cannot engage the ranged units. Do not engage unless forced to.

When Uriel uses Mass Resurrect, kill one stack ASAP again. Redirecting one of your ranged stacks for one turn might be called for. Except when called for by #1 or #2, ranged units should focus on Uriel. They will be your main source of damage on Uriel!

On players will know how to farm tons of Diablo 3 gold in the game. Note that Uriel did not resurrect a stack each turn: it's just one of the options he has. Only when he is not able to resurrect, Holy Rage comes into effect. So at first, I didn't noticed his resurrect ability at all! Accidently, I had limited him to one action each turn, which he mostly used to fight.

If you want gey much more new on Diablo III Gold and Diablo III Guide,you can link here

Friday, September 14, 2012

Six Important Tips for Players in Diablo 3 Hardcore

Playing in Hardcore is very hard, many players pass all the acts in softcore very easily, but when come to the time in hardcore, they are easily dying, as all players know, once died in the mode, players will lose all the things that carried on this character, including the character, experts on will tell players six important tips for players in Diablo 3 hardcore to help players to be more powerful in the game.

One other thing to keep in mind, the auction houses are also distinct. Hardcore and softcore items exist on independent realms and therefore auction houses are not shared nor does hardcore have a real money auction house (at this time). Blizzard has stated that they do not want to deal with the consequences of players paying real money for items and then losing them. It’s something that I and many other hardcore players disagree with and here is to hoping Blizzard will change their minds.

Tips for players in Diablo 3 hardcore
1) Learn all your skills well, and really look at your skills that function solely or double as defensive moves (retreats, avoids, absorbs, heals, etc.). Do not blindly follow a build you find-- you need to know how your class can tackle every situation and how skills work together.

2) Take your time moving through areas, especially indoors. Clear everything you move by if you think you may have to kite down that way later.

3) Always read the elite pack attributes and prepare accordingly. If you have to reskill to take on a specific pack, don't hesitate. If you absolutely cannot get by, just restart the quest and pray to the RNG.

4) The Auction House is only useful until around 30 right now, to be honest. Finding good gear on it after that is quite tough (my version of good being mainstat+vit), especially for a reasonable price. Expect to farm your own gear.

5) Upgrade your jewelcrafter as high as you can, as soon as you can. Tomes are 10k/each right now on the HCAH, but you can stop before Squares until you're able to enter Hell yourself. Gem yourself properly.

6) Your stash and artisan levels carry over to new characters. Keep that in mind and prepare for your inevitable death. Good blues/yellows for your next character, extra gems, extra pages, potions for all levels, and so forth.

How not to die on hardcore
I watch a lot of content from Forcestrategygaming, especially via youtube and he just started a Hardcore run series and elaborates on the pros and cons of gear etc. The best part is that you can watch him playing so you see how to react to big packs and lure champions out. It's really worth watching even if it's not your specific class (he is playing a mage atm).

Since getting good items in hardcore is not an easy thing, players can just buy Diablo 3 gold from to buy it from players in the game, or buy the items directly form, for these websites the most professional sellers in Diablo 3 market.

Friday, September 7, 2012

How to Use Jewelcrafting Make Diablo 3 Gold Fast in 1.0.4

In Patch 1.0.4, how to Use Jewelcrafting Make Diablo 3 Gold fast in 1.0.4? The cost to combine gems was adjusted to make it more cost effective to use your Jewelcrafter and possibly even more practical to do it. But I’ve got news to all the new players combining low level gems, you’re losing gold! A chipped ruby is selling for about 160 gold right now, while a flawed ruby is selling for 60 gold. Are players buying chipped rubies?!

The gem everyone should be buying, if they had their head on straight, is the Flawless Square since it’s only about 100-500 gold. But we know we won’t make gold if we combine gems of lower quality than the Flawless Square, what about the others?

To Use Jewelcrafting Make Diablo 3 Gold fast in 1.0.4, players have to create a single Perfect Square gem you need 3 Flawless Squares, 3 Tomes of Secrets and 30,000 gold. That’s 30,000 + 300 gold + 1650 gold (for the Tomes) or about 32,000 gold total. If you wanted to make a business out of this you would need to sell the Perfect gem for around 37,800 gold on the auction house(you can calculate exact amounts with my gem calculator). The going rate for Perfect Squares is 36,500.

The savings is not worth it for a Perfect Square, but let’s take a look at the highest level you can craft without buying a 500,000gold design. It will cost you 602,000 gold to buy a Star wholesale on the auction house. How much would it cost to craft one? About 535,000 gold (if you bought 27 Flawless Squares). If you don’t believe me, use my gem calculator to see for yourself. also notice players if they want to make Diablo 3 gold faster with Jeweler you have to sell in trade to avoid the auction house commission. You can price high level gems off Flawless Squares, since those are, without question, the best entry point. When Flawless Squares sell between 100-500 gold, the cost to make a Star, Flawless Star, Perfect Star and Radiant Star is about: 545k, 1,700k, 5,400k and 16,600k. These typically sell on the auction house for about 14-18% more, which comes out to about 640k, 2000k, 6300k and 20,000k. You can start by undercutting those prices in trade.

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Friday, August 31, 2012

The Most Fun & Popular PVP Class In Wow 4.0 And 5.0

PVP brings a lot of fun to players, what’s the most fun & popular PVP class in Wow 4.0 and 5.0 then? Darkness is the DPS talent woods of the priest class. Covered by the darkness form, you will lose the opportunity to use the holy power to heal your own partners, but you will learn many evil spells to deal damage within raids. Otherwise, a darkness priest is also very good at soloing and PVP, so if you want to make some gold in World of Warcraft every day, you should always build a darkness talent.

And once in a while you'll try a different class and for whatever reason you seem to enjoy it even if its not the best or does the most damage, it could be a certain ability, it could just be what you can do with them outside of pvp as well or anything so the best advice i'd give is to try all the classes out. At this point i've got one of everything if not twice over and once in a while I'll go through a phase and enjoy one toon more than the other and of course play that one basically all the time.

On a level, the most fun in pvp is pvp itself, roll with the times, roll and re- roll them all and you'll probably find that one long term class you enjoy or at the very least keep pvping, farmg Wow gold 5.0, learning other classes and end up like me who's still having a blast in pvp no matter what toon i'm on but not really having a main atm.

Playing OP class in BG environment means you can do a lot. It means you can pwn people one on one anytime, often one on two or more. It doesn't mean you are skilled. But then again, skill never really mattered in BGs. Playing hunter is quite a challenge, since it takes quite some skill to kite someone if you don't have roots like frost mage. hunter is hard to master, but is really good if you can.

Healer - Resto Shaman for are also one of the most fun and popular PVP classes in MOP. Ghost Wolf, Grounding Totem, Tremor Totem, 6 sec interrupt, huge single target heal, Earth Shield, Healing over Time and more. For me definetely most fun class from Healers to play PvP. Leveling my own Shaman atm 64 lvl and i like him much more than my old Priest and Pala.

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