Friday, September 14, 2012

Six Important Tips for Players in Diablo 3 Hardcore

Playing in Hardcore is very hard, many players pass all the acts in softcore very easily, but when come to the time in hardcore, they are easily dying, as all players know, once died in the mode, players will lose all the things that carried on this character, including the character, experts on will tell players six important tips for players in Diablo 3 hardcore to help players to be more powerful in the game.

One other thing to keep in mind, the auction houses are also distinct. Hardcore and softcore items exist on independent realms and therefore auction houses are not shared nor does hardcore have a real money auction house (at this time). Blizzard has stated that they do not want to deal with the consequences of players paying real money for items and then losing them. It’s something that I and many other hardcore players disagree with and here is to hoping Blizzard will change their minds.

Tips for players in Diablo 3 hardcore
1) Learn all your skills well, and really look at your skills that function solely or double as defensive moves (retreats, avoids, absorbs, heals, etc.). Do not blindly follow a build you find-- you need to know how your class can tackle every situation and how skills work together.

2) Take your time moving through areas, especially indoors. Clear everything you move by if you think you may have to kite down that way later.

3) Always read the elite pack attributes and prepare accordingly. If you have to reskill to take on a specific pack, don't hesitate. If you absolutely cannot get by, just restart the quest and pray to the RNG.

4) The Auction House is only useful until around 30 right now, to be honest. Finding good gear on it after that is quite tough (my version of good being mainstat+vit), especially for a reasonable price. Expect to farm your own gear.

5) Upgrade your jewelcrafter as high as you can, as soon as you can. Tomes are 10k/each right now on the HCAH, but you can stop before Squares until you're able to enter Hell yourself. Gem yourself properly.

6) Your stash and artisan levels carry over to new characters. Keep that in mind and prepare for your inevitable death. Good blues/yellows for your next character, extra gems, extra pages, potions for all levels, and so forth.

How not to die on hardcore
I watch a lot of content from Forcestrategygaming, especially via youtube and he just started a Hardcore run series and elaborates on the pros and cons of gear etc. The best part is that you can watch him playing so you see how to react to big packs and lure champions out. It's really worth watching even if it's not your specific class (he is playing a mage atm).

Since getting good items in hardcore is not an easy thing, players can just buy Diablo 3 gold from to buy it from players in the game, or buy the items directly form, for these websites the most professional sellers in Diablo 3 market.