Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What Is The Best Way To Defeat Uriel?

Uriel is a powerful boss in Diablo 3, so what is the best way to defeat Uriel? It is harder to heal all stacks for a little than one stack for a huge amount, so I prefer to take out ranged and small stacks first, killing the one big stack last. A blindness or other immobilizing spell helps a lot as well.

What is the best strategy to defeat Uriel
His stacks moved forward, so the smaller stacks came within range of my melee. During round two, it became clear that my melee units would kill his allies pretty fast. So I used my ranged units to soften up Uriel. After a couple of rounds, when almost all his allies were dead, Uriel suddenly used Mass Resurrect. Bummer.

In turn 1, use a direct damage spell to kill one stack ASAP. This avoids Holy Rage to trigger even once, limiting Uriel to one action per turn (which he usually uses to move). Another option is a Haste spell (+19 initiative with my Anastasya) to have your Archliches (initiative 30, +5 from Ambush) to act before Uriel (initiative 50).

Due to the huge stack sizes, your hero will be limited to a support role. Turn 1: Kill a stack ASAP. Turn 2: Storm Arrows. Turn 3: Whatever you prefer. Use some melee unit, I guess the slow Lamasu, to block Uriel so he cannot engage the ranged units. Do not engage unless forced to.

When Uriel uses Mass Resurrect, kill one stack ASAP again. Redirecting one of your ranged stacks for one turn might be called for. Except when called for by #1 or #2, ranged units should focus on Uriel. They will be your main source of damage on Uriel!

On players will know how to farm tons of Diablo 3 gold in the game. Note that Uriel did not resurrect a stack each turn: it's just one of the options he has. Only when he is not able to resurrect, Holy Rage comes into effect. So at first, I didn't noticed his resurrect ability at all! Accidently, I had limited him to one action each turn, which he mostly used to fight.

If you want gey much more new on Diablo III Gold and Diablo III Guide,you can link here

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